Some payers can post payments via EFT through Niko Health, however there will be some payers that do not, as well as patient payments. In order to post the payments not received via EFT through Niko, you will have to manually do so.
Payment from the Payer
Find the Billing tab at the top of Niko and select, then click on "Payments". Click on the plus sign at the top right corner of the screen.
Select Add Payment
A new window will open and you will have to choose/fill in the asterisk marked fields at a minimum.
Source should be chosen as Payer and then you will have to enter insurance name
Enter the remittance date, chose the method of payment from the drop down, and enter the payment amount
Now you need to select the appropriate invoice(s) that correspond to the payment received, so select "Add Invoice".
A new window will appear, enter your patient's name in the search and select "Search"
Find the correct Claim DOS to apply the payment to and select the check mark to the left of it. **IF you have more than one invoice you can add each additional one by repeating the search and selecting the check marks** Once complete, select save on the bottom right.
For each invoice and service line, enter the payment amount in the payment field, specific to that entire invoice and service line(s), then click "Adjust" to enter any payer adjustments as indicated on the remittance. Click Save.
Click Adjust to enter any payer adjustments as indicated on the remittance/EOB. ** To add multiple adjustments for the same service line, select "Add Adjustment" after completing each one. and remember to click save once complete.
You will be able to see the adjustments under each service line
Repeat until all payments, adjustments, and/or denials have been entered, and click Save.Β
If the payment is for the balance in full for those invoices, instead of manually completing each payment field, you can select the green Auto Apply button and it will apply the balance amount to each invoice/service line until there is $0 left to apply.
Payment from patient - For 1 Invoice
If the payment is for one date of service/one invoice, then you can add the payment within the invoice itself.
Go to the billing screen, select the invoice tab, and find the appropriate invoice (you can search the different fields to do so), one you locate your invoice, click on it.
Select the plus sign on the top right of the invoice and click "Add Payment".
Enter the payment information (remittance date, method, and payment amount), the source and payer/patient will default to the payer level currently on the invoice as the Bill to.
You do not have to Add Invoice because you are creating and posting this payment from within the invoice, so the system is automatically showing you the service lines from that particular invoice.
If the payment is for the balance in full for that invoice, you can select the green Auto Apply Button.
You will now be able to see that the payment has been applied to the line items in full. Select save on the bottom right.
If it is a partial payment and there is still a remaining balance due from the patient, then you can still click on Auto Apply and the payment will be applied to each service line until the un-applied amount equals $0.
Payment from the patient - For Multiple Invoices
If the payment is for multiple dates of service and invoices, then you will have to add and apply the payment similar to the steps gone through in payer payments.
From either the invoices or payments tab, select the plus sign and click add payment.
Enter the payment information (Source, patient name, remittance date, method, and payment amount).
Select add Invoice and search for your selected invoices and click save.
If the payment is for the balance in full for those invoices, you can select the green auto apply button and save.
If it is a partial payment and there is still a remaining balance due from the patient, then you can still click Auto Apply, and the payment will be applied to each invoice and service line until the unapplied payment amount equals $0. Or, instead of choosing Auto Apply, you can enter a payment amount for each invoice and service line into the Payment fields. When your unapplied payment amount equals $0, click Save.