Credit Card Payments

How to take and apply credit card payments from patients

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Patients may make the decision to send in a credit card payment with their statement/bill or call one in, if this is the case you are able to take the payment right from their account.

Taking Payments

Locate the patient via the patient tab

Once you are in the patients file, select the blue plus sign on the top right and select "Collect Payment".

You will need to enter the amount the patient is paying you & select "Use New Credit Card". 

A drop down will appear and prompt you to enter the required information marked with asterisks. (Name on card, Credit Card #, Expiration Date, & CVC code)
Now that all the Credit card information has been input you can select Submit on the bottom right, this will prompt a window to appear, confirming the details you've just entered, if entered correctly. 

Select Confirm once all information is confirmed.

A receipt will pop up, selecting Print will bring up a new window with a PDF version of the receipt where you can save to your computer to upload to the patients file, or print so you can mail it to the patient. You will also have the option to email it directly to the patient.
Now that you payment has gone through, you will need to apply that payment to the patient's balance. 

Applying Payments

To apply your newly taken credit card payment, you will have to navigate your way to the Billing screen and then select the payments tab.
You can sort to just see the credit card payments or search by patient name, however if you have just taken the payment it should be right at the top. Click on the payment for your patient.

You will see the details of the payment, select the blue circle with the pencil inside on the top right, this will allow you to edit/apply the credit card payment.

If you are unsure how to continue from there, please follow the instructions for posting manual payments.

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