Failed Payments

How to correct a failed payment

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes when an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is processed something may prohibit it from applying itself to the appropriate invoice. Be sure to check your payments daily through the Billing screen and sort for Failed payments to make sure you dont miss anything.

If you see that a payment has failed, you'll want to click on it to review.

The payment will show you which patient(s) it should be attached to, but you'll notice there will be no invoice number attached it. Select the pencil in the blue circle on the top right to edit the payment and attach it to the correct invoice.

The edit screen will open and you will want to select "Connect" to attach the payment to invoice.

Another window will appear, search for the right invoice, select it, and click save on the bottom right.

Ensure that the payment has applied to the line items and click save on the bottom right

The EFT is now attached to the invoice.

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