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Receiving Inventory
Receiving Inventory

How to add items to your inventory.

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Inventory actions can be taken by going to the inventory tab.

If you need to add items to your inventory, you can click on the + Button on the upper right hand corner and select Receive Items.

A new window will appear where you will need to select search to find the location you want the inventory added to.

Select your desired inventory location and click OK.

You can Scan, Enter, or Search for a Purchase Order to scan this inventory against. You can also bypass this step by clicking Enter.

Learn more about Purchase Orders.

You can now begin to start either scanning your item barcode, or search for the product you are entering into inventory.

Select your item (you can only do one at a time), click OK.

If your product properties requires a serial number(s) this is when the system will prompt you to enter them.

Once entered it will appear, select review if you are done entering items for this location OR repeat the process for additional items.

Now you can review everything you've added, if correct you can select Finish to add it to your inventory OR if you need to add more items, select Add on the top right.

Now when you go to you inventory screen the items will be there, and your purchase order status (if applicable) will updated accordingly.

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