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Changing Inventory Item Status
Changing Inventory Item Status

How to change an items status in inventory.

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes a situation call for the status of an item to be changed, Niko Health allows you to change the status of the items to the following:

  • Active: Ready to be used for services

  • Retired: The item is no longer able to be used, even in the future

  • Inactive: The item is currently out of commission, however it could be cleaned/fixed and put back into use in the future

            - Refurbished Product: after an item has been cleaned/fixed to regulation, you  
              can check off this option.

You will need to locate the item in the inventory screen

Once the details of the item come up, locate the status box and select the drop down.

Now you will have to chose one of the status options

If necessary you can also check off the refurbished option

Once done you can select Update to complete. Your Item status will update in the inventory screen.

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