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How to keep track of Prescriptions, Authorizations. & CMNs that are set to expire

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Niko Health will help you keep track of Prescriptions, Authorizations, and CMNs that are set to expire or have already expired.
To access these you will need to go to the Billing screen, there you will find the Prescriptions, Authorizations, and CMN tabs.


Select the prescription tab to see all prescriptions that have been entered into Niko Health

To sort them select the dark blue circle with the 3 lines on the top right

The filter parameters window will appear, to filter by expiration, select the drop down and choose the time frame of expiration and then click apply.

Once it takes you back to the main screen it will filter your results as requested.


Select the Authorizations tab to see all Auths that have been entered into Niko Health along with their expiration date.

Follow the filtration directions as listed under prescriptions for the remainder of how to view expiring auths.


Select the CMNs tab to see all CMNs that have been entered into Niko Health along with their expiration date.

Follow the filtration directions as listed under prescriptions for the remainder of how to view expiring CMNs.

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