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Insurance Prior Authorizations
Insurance Prior Authorizations

How to add a prior authorization?

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

To add a prior authorization to a patient record click on the blue + button on the upper right hand corner from within the patient profile.

Here you can click on the New Authorization button. The New Authorization popup will allow you to enter your authorization information.

Authorization Number: Enter the prior authorization obtained.

HCPCS: Enter the HCPCS code related to this authorization.

Modifiers: Enter any modifiers if applicable.

Type: Select either purchase or rental.

Payer: Select the payer this authorization applies to.

From: Enter the effective date of this authorization.

To: Enter the expiration date if applicable.

Units: Enter the quantity of units for this authorization.

$ Amount: Enter the $ Amount if applicable.

Notes: Enter any internal reference notes if needed.

The checkbox is selected by default to update any invoices that may be on hold for Authorization Required. This will automatically post this authorization to any applicable invoices that match the criteria defined in this authorization. This can also be unchecked if needed.

Once the authorization is created it is available under the Insurance tab within the patient profile. If this authorization needs to be updated you can click on the pencil icon on the authorization to make any changes.

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