New Orders

How to create new orders for your patient

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

To create a new order go to the patient's file and select the “+” Symbol on the top right and select “New Order”  

Complete all required fields (with an asterisk) on the Referral screen and click Next.

 Enter the Diagnosis Code(s)  

Select the appropriate codes and click on the small “+” sign next to it to add it to the order. Once finished select next on the bottom right. 

Select the items ordered on the prescription from the doctor. If a generic order, meaning not product-specific, only HCPCs, you can search by HCPCs code, and Select Generic Item. Click Next.

 The next screen will display what you have chosen, here you will input the Length of need if different than 99, and you will have to apply the diagnosis code(s) to the items. Confirm that the Effective Date on the Rx screen matches the effective/start date of your prescription. Once complete, select “next”. 

On the Tags screen, you will see any system-generated validation tags that would cause this order to go on hold, or you can also add your own tags, if it is part of your company workflow, and then click Next.

If you would like to attach a document that was uploaded to the patient’s account into the order, you can click on the Document Type field, and it will list the available documents, select the appropriate one and click the small “+” symbol to add it to the order, and then click Next.

Review the Summary screen for accuracy, and if all fields are correct, select Save. 

A window will pop up, asking if you would like to send a fax confirmation to the referring physician. You can opt not to, or you can also fax a detailed written order as well. 

You have now created a new order, which also generated/automatically entered the items into the prescription screen of the patient's account and the ICD10 code into the medical record screen.

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