While you are in the patient's file, select the resupply tab
Select "Edit Resupply Program"
If a resupply program has not been set up for this patient you can create one. To learn more about adding a new resupply program click here.
This will show you any items that are currently on the patients resupply program.
Here you will see the item(s) as well as the frequency, eligibility and last date the patient received an item.
You can modify the frequency (how often the patient is eligible) as well as the next scheduled date. The next scheduled date will be used to generate an order for these item(s).
To remove an item that is no longer needed on a resupply program hover over the selected item and click the red trash can that appears.
To add an item to a resupply program click ADD on the top right
You can search your catalog for the item(s) you wish to add to the resupply program.
Once you have your items, select it and click save on the bottom right (you can select more than one item)
Your resupply program will now reflect all items selected.
When finished please be sure to click SAVE.