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Price Tables

How to create a new price table

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

Price Tables are used to govern the price of each HCPCS, it's what the system uses to generate the prices into the invoice prior to submitting the claim to the insurance.
To access the price tables click the management tab, then select the billing drop down and then pricing underneath that.

To add a new item pricing, select the blue plus sign on the top right

A new screen will appear where you will be able to enter in your price table specifics.

You need to fill in the following REQUIRED information:
Name (not necessarily required, however it does help if you give the price option a name)
HCPCS Code: Type in the required HCPCS code and it should generate for you to click on.

Charge: How much you will be charging for that specific HCPCS code

Effective From Date: The date the pricing become effective

Billable Units: The Billable Units defined here will be used to calculate the CHARGE amount and the QUANTITY when creating an invoice.

Default: Choose if you want this price option the default pricing for that HCPCS code

Type: What kind of billing is it Rental or Purchase - select from the drop down (If item is a rental, CLICK HERE to see the additional options)

Not Required Items- some of the information is not necessary to be filled out, however can be helpful, like the Name section listed above.

Payer: If the price option is specific to one payer you will need to select it in the payer area (Same with Payer Plan)
Location: If you only want the price option available when billing via one of your other locations, you will select that here.
Product: If the Pricing is specific to one item# you will need to attach it here.
Allowed: If the allowed amount if different than the charge amount or the insurance requires that information.
Modifiers: You can select the necessary Modifier code to be populated on the invoice depending on the HCPCS code
Effective To: if the pricing expires you can enter the end date.
Sales Tax: If your item requires sales tax, select the box.

Always remember to select save once complete.

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