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Price Option Management
Service Line Qty Multiplier
Service Line Qty Multiplier
Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

A new option has been added to the rental price options for daily billing.
This enhancement may be useful if the payer or facility you are billing requires you to reflect quantity as the number of days you are invoicing for.

You will notice a checkbox available for Service Line Qty Multiplier available.
If this is selected on a price option, the quantity reflected on the service line of the invoice will reflect the total number of days during that date span. For example, if you were to deliver a product and the invoice generated a date span of 30 days, your service line quantity would reflect 30.

To create or add a price option with this feature navigate to:
Management → Billing → Pricing
a. Select an existing price option for a daily rental or create a new price option
b. Add the checkbox for Service Line Qty Multiplier
c. Save the price option – and your all set

If you are manually creating an invoice or a user is selecting a price option where Service Line Qty Multiplier is enabled, the user will be required to verify and enter the charge amount and qty.

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