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Invoice Statuses
Invoice Statuses

What do the Invoice Statuses Mean

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

When invoices or generated or manually created, they fall into a certain status depending on your payer rules.

Invoice Statuses

NEW: All payer rules have been validated

HOLD: There are payer rules to review (if you have payer rules setup and the items/services fall into those rules and there is an issue, you will have to review)

SUBMITTED: The Claim has been submitted/sent to the payer. Claims will automatically get this status if you submit the claim via NikoHealth. If you submit the claim manually, you will have to change the status manually as well.

OPEN: Once a payment has been applied to a claim, it will automatically update to the open status. You want to make sure you are checking that any claims in an open status where it's still showing an insurance, this means it may still need to be submitted to a secondary policy on file. Otherwise it should show open to the patient.

REJECTED: When a claim is in a rejected status, it means that the clearing house pushed it back for an issue. There can be many different reasons for a rejection.

DENIED: If you are setup to receive ERA/EOBs through NikoHealth, a claim can show up denied when the payer remits a denial on the invoice.

VOID: The only way your invoice will show as a void claim is when it is manually changed that way. Once voided it will not show up in any patient's balance due.

CLOSED: When the balance on the invoice has been paid off or shows as zero, the claim will change to closed.

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