Custom Fields

How to create and manage custom fields?

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Custom fields is a means for you to store and represent data. The custom fields section allows you to create fields unique to your organization.

To add or edit custom fields, go to : Management/ Settings / Custom Fields

Here you can click the + button to add a new custom field. If you wish to edit an existing custom field you can click on the pencil to the right of the custom field you want to edit.

  • Enter the name of the custom field ( example : patient legacy id )

  • Enter the description

  • Type: Select Patient (Currently custom fields are only available on the patient profile at this time)

Once you have created custom fields that your organization wishes to use you will now see these custom fields available within the patient profile.

  • Click on CUSTOM FIELDS

  • Click on the Edit button located on the lower left hand corner of your screen

  • You can now edit the value field as needed.

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