Billing Tabs

Sub tab descriptions

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

☐ Billing TABS

  • Invoice

  • Payments

  • Denials


  • Prescriptions

  • Authorizations

  • CMNs


The invoice tab will show you ALL of the invoice currently available in your system. It will show all status' (New, Hold, Submitted, Open, Close, Cancelled). You can filter down what you wish to see by using the search fields at the top OR by using the advanced filter (dark blue circle with 3 lines). From the blue plus sign on this sub-tab you can choose to:

  • Create a New Invoice

  • ☐ Add a Payment

  • Print patient statements

  • Import ERA's

  • ☐ Do a mass write off and close out claims


The payments tab will show ALL of your payments collected in the system and their corresponding status (NEW, Unapplied, Applied, Failed, Completed). From here you can mange all of your payments that are processed manually or auto-posted by the system. From the blue plus sign you can :

  • ☐ Create a New Invoice

  • Add a payment

  • Jump to patient statements

  • Import ERA's


The denial cue will allow you to work all of your denials by denial reason or payer using the filter options at the top. You will have the following status' assigned to your denials

  • ☐ NEW- this a new denial that needs to be worked

  • Re-submitted- this is when you resubmit a claim to be reviewed

  • ☐ Paid- when a corrected claim comes back paid

  • ☐ Ignore/Write off- when you will not be working the denial

In the denial cue you can also CLAIM a denial to work by checking the box and then using the blue plus sign to mark something "in progress". This will show the user who is working the denial and assign the date they began working it.


All of the ERA's that come into the system will come to this tab first and try to connect to the correct payer and payer ID before dropping to the Payment Cue to auto-apply to the appropriate claim. Any ERA's that are in a failed status must be manually connect to the correct payer.


This is your prescriptions expiration report. You can filter this by using the advanced filter and search by upcoming prescriptions that are due to expire so you can work them ahead of their expiration date.


This is your authorization expiration report. You can filter this by using the advanced filter and search by upcoming authorizations that are due to expire so you can work them ahead of their expiration date.


This is your CMN expiration report. You can filter this by using the advanced filter and search by upcoming CMNs that are due to expire so you can work them ahead of their expiration date.

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