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Daily Billing "Check List"
Daily Billing "Check List"

What should a biller do daily? Look here to find out!

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

To Do List:

1. Check for failed ERA’s- go to BILLING<EOB/ERA tab, filter by FAILED status, and Connect the ERA’s to the appropriate payers

2. Check for failed payments- Go to BILLING<Payments, filter by failed status and attach the payments to the appropriate invoices/patients accounts

3. Work your NEW and unapplied payments (mostly refers to patient payments)- Utilize the patient A/R report to spot patients with balances and credits.

4. Submit in any OPEN claims open to the SECONDARY payer. Go to BILLING CUE, Filter status by OPEN, Use the Advanced filter option (dark blue circle with 3 lines) and choose payer= SECONDARY and apply. These are claims that were paid by the primary and dropped to the secondary but need to be submitted in because they did not “auto cross over”. You can select the check box to select all and hit the blue plus sign to choose SUBMIT and mass submit them in. Any that cannot go electronically will prompt you to print.

5. Work your Rejections (these are claims that never made it to the payer to process)- Go to BILLING cue and sort by status REJECTED. To find the rejection reason, open the claim, and go to the AUDIT tab. The details button with the red dot will have the rejection reason.

6. Work your Denials- Either by the Billing Cue with status filter of Denied, or by the Denial Cue, or run a report using the Invoice Detail report.

7. Work and Submit any claims in a NEW or HOLD Status.

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