Cost Sharing

How to use Cost Sharing

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

The Cost Sharing tab within a patient orders allows you to estimate patient responsibility based on their insurance coverage and billed amounts. To use this feature, you must make sure that all of the patient's insurance fields are entered in correctly in the insurance tab under the patient record. The fields that are required are the ones below in the benefit summary.


  1. Create the Order and hit SAVE

  2. Click on the Cost Sharing Tab

  3. Verify that all price options are chosen for your items. If NOT, please choose the price option by selecting the orange dollar sign. Once all price options are selected, the top columns will break out the patient estimated responsibility for the patient.

  4. Once your cost sharing is correct, choose SAVE at the bottom. This will lock these selections in and when you complete the order they will pre-fill in as selected to the invoice.

  5. The Cost sharing document will print behind the completed delivery ticket OR you can opt to his "SHARE" and print the PDF OR email directly to the patient.


The Cost Sharing tab will also allow you to designate multiple payer levels (if the patient has them), mark something as a Non-Billable Item, OR as a patient pay item all within the same order. To do this you will select the "BILL TO" for each item and change it as needed. (See highlighted section below). Once you set it the way you need, hit SAVE to lock in those choices.

When you have different payer levels on the Cost Sharing set, it will force the system to generate separate invoices for those different payer levels. In the example below, the upon completing the order the system will generate TWO invoices. One directly to the patient and one directly to the payer. You can set the bill to to the patient's primary or secondary payer at this level too. If you do set the secondary as the bill to on the Cost Share, it will also create two separate invoices but it will put set the secondary insurance as primary on that invoice. (Meaning you are submitting to the secondary as primary for that item).

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