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Billing Advanced Filter- Enhancement
Billing Advanced Filter- Enhancement

How to use the newly enhanced billing advanced filter

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

We have recently enhanced the advanced filter option within the billing cue to give you more flexibility in searching for specific invoices!

Similar to the Write off and Close filters, the new advanced filter within the billing cue will allow you to sort by Date of Service, created date, service location, payer information and MORE!

First thing you will notice is the change to the search filters at the top- we have simplified this to just Patient Name, Invoice ID, Status, and Date of Service. To filter down even further to other invoice detail simply click on the filter button (highlighted below).

The advanced filter side bar will pop up (see below). Select the filters you would like to search by and then hit the blue check mark to apply those filters to your invoice cue.

To close the advanced filter option- just hit the advanced filter button again to close out.

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