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Payment Status
Payment Status

What do payment status' mean?

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

All of your payments will fall into the payment tab under BILLING. They will go into one of the following status'.

NEW- A new payment is a payment that has been entered into the system but has not yet been applied to an open invoice/claim. Usually these tend to be patient payments that haven't been applied to open balances.

APPLIED- An applied payment means that all of the money included in that payment has been applied to an invoice/claim and there is no remaining un-applied amount. The money has found it's "home".

Un-APPLIED- An un-applied payment means that some of the full payment amount as been applied but there is still a remaining portion that has not been applied to an invoice/claim.

FAILED- A failed payment can mean a couple things. First, it can mean that the payment has come in to the system (electronically through ERA), however, it was unable to connect to a specific invoice/claim and therefore did not auto-apply the payment. Second, a payment will fall into a failed status if it was deleted from an invoice/claim and in that case would need to be re-applied/applied to the correct invoice/claim. Failed payments should be worked daily to make sure money is being applied to the correct invoice/claim.

COMPLETED- A completed payment is a payment that you have manually marked completed. This is not an "automatic" status but one you can use to confirm you have reviewed and confirmed the payment.

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