If you are looking to "Close the Books" so that you can ensure that financial transactions for an accounting period have been recorded, the Month End Closing feature is available.
Under: Management /Billing /Month End Closing
You can create a new "Closing the Books" transaction by clicking on the + button on the upper right hand side of the screen and click "Closing the Books".
Track when and who performed the close out.
The system will perform the close out process overnight when confirmed.
When closing the books, financial transactions created prior to 11:59 PM of your selected Closing Date will be locked from modification. Once closed this action cannot be reversed.
Restrictions For Close Out Transactions
Users will not be able to modify or delete the following transactions that have been part of a closing period:
Unapplied Payments
If a payment from a previously closed out period is unapplied a user is still able to apply the unapplied amount as needed.
Service Line Modification on Invoices
A lock icon will appear next to the service line if it is part of a previous closing period.
Please keep in mind that once transactions have been locked from a previously closed out period, modifications to the service line of an invoice will be limited to :
Prior Authorization
User Permission
There is a dedicated permission for Month End Closing that can be assigned to team members.
Downloadable Reports
Once a period has been closed, you will see a download button available next to the closeout transaction. This will contain three separate files.
Invoice Level Transactions
This file will contain transactions that have been closed during this period that have been applied to the invoice level and were not applied to service lines.
Service Level Transactions
This file will contain service line transaction details that were closed during this period.
Service Balance On End Of Period
This file will contain service line detail for any service line transactions that have a balance or a credit. (This excludes invoices that are in a void status)
This service line detail is for all available invoices and the data is not limited to this specific closing period.