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Product SKU

How to setup your product catalog to transmit the correct SKU to a dropship vendor?

Written by Rachel
Updated over 2 years ago

When transmitting orders for fulfilment to a dropship vendor you will need to make sure that your product has the correct vendor SKU. In the event the SKU is incorrect, the dropship vendor will not be able to fulfil your order request.

Go to: Management/Inventory/Catalog and select or add a product in your catalog

On the Product Details page you will notice a SKU field. If you are not maintaining multiple vendors for this product this SKU field can be used and will be transmitted when you dropship this product.

If you purchase this item from multiple vendors, it is recommended that you setup a vendor specific SKU. This can be done by clicking on the vendors page located to the right of product details.

  1. Click on the vendors tab

  2. Select the vendor

  3. Optional Field: Add your purchase unit (this is used for purchase orders created in the system)

  4. Optional Field: Add your cost to purchase this item

  5. Enter the SKU for this product

  6. Click Add

This SKU will now be transmitted to this vendor when you dropship this product.

How to setup a preferred dropship vendor for a product?

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