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Adding an insurance to a patient record via API
Adding an insurance to a patient record via API

How to add insurance via API?

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

To add insurance to a patient record please use the following API:

POST/v1/patients{patientId}/insurances (Creates a new insurance associated with the current patient) available in Swagger.

  1. When adding an insurance to a patient use the PatientID in the request parameter.

  2. If adding multiple insurances to patient record (i.e. primary, secondary) please post the insurance In the appropriate sequence by making a post call for each insurance.

  3. Please make sure that the payer and or plan you wish to post is available within your NIkoHealth environment. This can only be added within the NikoHealth UI. Once available you can retrieve the Payer ID and Plan ID by using the following API call:

    1. GET/v1/payers/dictionary (Returns a list of Payers)

    2. GET/v1/payers/{payerId}/plans/dictionary (Returns a list of Payer Plans associated with the current payer)

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