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Creating an order via API
Creating an order via API

How to create an order via API

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

To create a new order for a patient please use the following API:

POST/v1/patients/{patientId}orders (Creates a new order associated with the current patient) available in Swagger.

When creating an order for a patient use the PatientId in the request parameter.

The Service Location ID is the location within your organization you wish to post this order for. If you have only a single location you can pass the same location ID when creating orders.

To get the Service Location ID you can use the following API call:

GET/v1/organization/locations (Returns a list of Locations for current organization)

The Referring Provider ID and Referring Provider Location ID is where you will pass the referring provider for the order. These ID's can be returned using the following API call:

GET/v1/referring-providers (Returns a list of referring providers)

In the Products block is where you will pass the items for this order. Here the Product Id can be posted. To get the Product Id you can use the following API call:

GET/v1/products (Returns a list of Products)

To add a prescription for this order please reference the Prescription block in the schema.

  • The Id can be left blank (This is used if you wish to update an existing prescription on file)

  • Effective Date (This is the effective date of the prescription)

  • Treating Provider Id: (The is the referring provider id on this order)

  • Treating Provider Location Id (This is the referring provider location id on this order)

  • In the Products Block is where you will pass the Product ID being referenced for this prescription along with Length of Need and Diagnosis Codes.

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