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Box 32 - Service Facility Location Information
Box 32 - Service Facility Location Information

How to report a service facility in Box 32 of the cms 1500?

Written by Rachel
Updated over 12 months ago

What is the Service Facility Location?

Box 32 is used to indicate the name and address of the facility where services were rendered.

How does the service facility location get reported on the CMS 1500 and EDI 837 electronic claim transmission?

The default system behavior will report Service Facility Location information from the service location assigned on an invoice.

If you have you have a facility attached to a patient record and are servicing patients at alternative locations such as a nursing facility, when a place of service of 32 is reported on an invoice, that facility will be reported as the service facility location.

How to customize the reporting of the Service Facility Location?

In certain cases for a particular payer you may need to customize what is reported in the service facility location.

To create a payer specific service location rule you can:

  1. Locate the payer you want to create a rule for by going to Management/Billing Setup/ Payers.

  2. Within the payer record click on the rules page and click on Service Location.

  3. Click the +Add Rule button.

  4. Here you can add a rule specific for a payer or plan and indicate a specific Place of Service code.

  5. Drop down the location field and select the applicable rule:

    • Do Not Report - This will not report any service facility location

    • Patient Address - This will report the patient address as the service facility location

How does Box32a (NPI) get reported?

The NPI of the service facility location will be reported by default if the service location reported on an invoice has a different NPI than that of the Billing Provider NPI on the invoice.ย 

In the event you need to always report the Service Facility Location NPI for a particular payer you can check "Always report NPI (Box 32a)" in the payer rules described above.

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