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Note Templates
Note Templates
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


Note templates allow you to use premade messages with the click of a button inside notes. This article will cover how to create and manage these templates.

Note templates are specific to the records they are used for. That means that a note template can only be created to be used in patient notes or invoice notes specifically. This keeps the note template options list manageable when users want to add them.

Locate Note Templates

Select Management in the top menu.

Click Settings in the left menu and then select Notes Templates below.

This opens the Notes Template page where you can view, create, and manage all templates.

Create a Note Template

On the Notes Template page, click the blue plus sign in the top right.

The Add Notes Template window will open. Fill in the following fields:

  • Template Name - This is what the template will be called. Pick something memorable so you remember the template contents when choosing in a note.

  • Select Type - This is where the template will show up as an option. For example, is it a template meant to be used with patient notes or invoice notes? Use the dropdown to select which type of note the template is for.

  • Type Template Text - Enter the text that will populate in a note when the template is selected.

  • Allow to edit - Toggle the switch to the right if you want users to be able to edit the template text once it is added to their note. Toggle the switch to the left if users must keep the template text exactly as it is in their note once selected.

When you are done click Save to create the new template option.

Find and View a Template

You can find notes by using the search and filter options at the top of the Notes Template page. The search fields will return results matching the words or characters you enter.

The filter options let you select from a set of dropdown options. If the dropdown items have checkboxes, you can select multiple options and anything matching one of the options will display.

Other filters will let you select a date range from a calendar dropdown. To the left are standard time periods you can use as a filter. To select custom dates, use the right and left arrows to navigate the months and select calendar dates

To remove individual filters or searches, click the X to the right of the field. To clear all filter and search criteria, click the circular arrow on the right.

Edit a Note Template

Once you’ve found the desired template, hover over it and click the pencil icon to the right.

The Edit Notes Template window will open. Adjust the desired settings and click Save to keep your changes.

Delete a Note Template

Once you’ve found the desired template, hover over it and click the trashcan icon to the right.

The Delete Notes Template window will open. Double-check check the correct template has been selected. Click Delete to permanently remove the note template.

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