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Create a Form Template
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over 9 months ago


To create a fillable form, you first need a PDF that has fillable fields. You can create fillable fields in PDFs using a variety of tools however we recommend using Adobe Acrobat. See Adobe Acrobat's Converting Existing Forms to Fillable PDFs to get started.

Once you have a fillable form, you can upload it to NikoHealth. To create a new form template, click Management in the top menu.

Select Application Settings in the left menu and choose Form.

Create a Form Template

Once on the Forms Templates page, click the blue plus sign in the top right

The Add Form page will open and you’ll be prompted to enter the following information:

  • Name - Give a title to the new template so that you can easily find it when you need it.

  • Description - Give a brief explanation of what the form is and how it should be used.

  • Attach a File - Forms are based on PDF files. You will need to upload a fillable PDF file to start a template.

Once you’ve attached the file, you’ll see a sample of it to the right. To the left, you’ll see all of the fillable fields of the form under Field’s Mapping.

If you want this form to auto-fill with data that is available in NikoHealth, you will need to map NikoHealth data to fillable form fields.

To map a fillable field click on the #{} button next to the field.

In the dropdown, select what NikoHealth data should be used to populate the field. To find a specific set of data, start typing the data name. You can add multiple mappable fields to one fillable form. See the section below How NikoHealth Field Names Work for more information on selecting fields.

For a full list of all the NikoHealth data points that can be mapped to a field, see the article Mappable Fields for Forms.

Click Create at the bottom to create the new template.

How NikoHealth Field Names Work

Simple Fields

Most of the mappable fields in NikoHealth are straightforward. When you enter the PatientFirstName into a form, the first name entered in a patient profile will populate the form.

Therefore, the patient Abby Rap would have the PatientFirstName Abby.

In the example below, to make the B. Patient Name form field auto-fill with the full patient name, you would enter the values PatientFirstName and PatientLastName.

Fields with Subfields

Orders in NikoHealth contain a lot of information. Correctly mapping information from orders to your forms requires using subfields and specifying the number of an item.

The instructions below apply to OrderItems and OrderCostSharingItems. You can find a full list of their subfields in the Mappable Fields for Forms.

Let’s say you want to map the name of the first item in an order to a form field. You’d follow the steps below:

Step One: Enter the Main Field Name

You know that each of these items is an OrderItems, so you find that mappable field.

Step Two: Append the Subfield

Now you need the subfield of Name. This makes the mappable field: OrderItems.Name

Click inside the curly bracket to add a period and type Name after OrderItems.

Step Three: Choose the Number

Last, you specify which item you want If an order has 7 items in it, we will need to say which of these items we want the name of.

In NikoHealth, we start counting with 0. So an order with 7 items will have the options of 0-6.

You’ll place the order number between two brackets next to the OrderItems value. If you want to see the name of the first order item, you would enter the following: OrderItems[0].Name

To see the name of the second order item, you would enter: OrderItems[1].Name

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