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Edit a Billing Provider
Edit a Billing Provider
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


You can edit billing providers at any time. If you’ve just made a billing provider, you will need to edit it to add if necessary electronic claims options and connect credit card merchant accounts. Changes made to a billing provider will apply immediately.

In this article, we’ll go over how to find and update a billing provider.

Locate a Billing Provider

Click Management in the top menu.

In the left menu, click Corporate Setup and select Billing Providers in the submenu.

Use the filters at the top of the page to locate the correct billing provider.

To remove a filter, hit the X in the field.

To clear all filters and search criteria, click the circular arrow on the right.

Once you’ve found the desired billing provider, click to open their profile.

Update Information

You can update all of the basic fields of a billing provider by clicking on a field and entering the desired information.

For information on connecting payment accounts and electronic claims options, see the sections below.

When you’re done, click Save to keep your changes.

Connect a Payment Account

At the bottom of a billing provider profile, you’ll see an option to Connect Stripe Account or Connect CardConnect Account. Click the appropriate option.

  • Connect Stripe Account will bring you to a Stripe authorization page. Follow the directions to connect your Stripe account.

  • Connect CloverConnect (previously known as card connect) Account will open a window for you to enter your account information.

For information on managing payment options, see the article Managing Payment Options.

When you’re done click Save to keep your changes.

Electronic Claims Options

In certain cases, you may have a payer that requires the transmission of additional identifiers when submitting claims electronically. You can add these provider numbers as needed for a specific payer and or payer plan.

Click the Options tab at the top of the Add a Billing Provider page. Enter the appropriate information in the Electronic Claim Options section.

When you’re done click Save to keep your changes.

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