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Corporate Setup
Add an Inventory Location
Add an Inventory Location
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


Inventory stock can be managed at these inventory locations allowing for fulfillment, transfers, and reporting. An inventory location can also be a service center or service location depending on how your company is setup. For more information see the article Understanding Locations.

In this article, we’ll go over how to add a new inventory location to NikoHealth.

Add an Inventory Location

To get to your inventory location, click Management in the top menu.

In the left menu, click Corporate Setup and select Inventory Locations in the submenu.

Click the blue plus sign in the top right.

Select Add Location in the menu.

In the Details section, enter the physical address of the location. If you would like this inventory location to be auto-populated as the location for new inventory items, toggle the Set default switch to the right.

Use the Contacts section to enter phone, fax, or email information for the location. Click Add Contact.

Use the dropdown to select the type of contact and then enter the information. To add more than one contact detail, click Add Contact again.

To remove a contact, click the X to the right.

Last is the Location Map section. Here you can add a picture of what the layout of the physical location looks like, which can be viewed on the NikoHealth mobile app and can help someone navigate through the physical location.

Click Upload Picture. Select the desired file from your device. You can only upload a PNG or JPG file and the file cannot be larger than 20Mb.

To remove the picture, click the trashcan icon in the top right of the section.

When you’re done, click Save in the bottom right.

After you’ve created an inventory location, you can edit the location to add information such as par level rules, bin rules, vendor accounts, and custom field data.

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