Tags Utilization

How to use and create tags in Niko Health

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Tags will help you sort certain areas of the system, from Orders to Invoices and even patients, the tags are a very helpful tool.

Patient Tags

Patient tags are good for flagging accounts so that you can see right away if there is an alert.
To add a new patient tag, open the patient's file and select the pencil under their name on the left hand side.

The edit patient status window will appear, in the tag line you can search for an existing tag/scroll through the ones that are already there.

If you need to add a new one, type in what you want it to say and select "Add new tag"

Order Tags

Order tags come in handy when organizing and sorting your orders.
There are 2 different ways to create an order tag, while you are creating the order or after the order is complete.

Inside the Order

Following the order entry, once you reach tag screen, enter the tag you require.

You can search through the existing ones

Or you can type in what you want the new one to say and then select "Add New Tag"

Completed Order

Find the appropriate order for tagging, and select the pencil in the gray box next to the order number

The edit order status box will appear and you can search through the existing tags

You can add a new tag, type in what you want the tag to say and then select "Add new tag"

Be sure to select save once complete.

Invoice Tags

Invoice tags are helpful for updated the status on  them or sorting through them.
There are two ways to add/enter a tag onto an invoice, through modifying the invoice, or through the status edit box. 

Invoice Tags through Modifying the invoice

Select the blue plus sign on the top of the invoice and select modify

At the top of the invoice you can search for an existing tag

To add a new invoice tag, type in what you need it to say and select "Add new tag"

Be sure to save the invoice on the bottom right.

Edit Invoice Tagging

Select the invoice you need to add/edit the tag on, and select the gray pencil on the top left

The Edit Invoice Status box will appear, you can search the tags that are already in the system

Or you can create a new one by typing in the tag name and selecting "Add new tag"

Be sure to select save once complete.

Any of the tags you attach to the patient/order/invoice can always be removed from whatever they are put on by clicking the gray pencil to edit it and selecting the small ‘x’ next to the tag. Select save once complete/updated.

***You can now manage your tags by going to Management<Settings<Tags***

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