Resupply Program

What is the Resupply program?

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

The Resupply Program functionality is used to manage recurring order generation. If you provide products to patients routinely, at predefined frequencies or based on payer eligibility requirements creating a resupply program for a patient will automate your process.  

When creating a resupply program on a patient you can select the specific item(s) that you would like the system to automatically generate on future orders. 

You can start a resupply program on a patient through completing their appointment or by going through the patient's resupply screen in their file to add or edit it.

Once you have created a resupply program for your patient, you will be able to see their frequency of replacements (as long as you have done your payer rules), the date last received, the date they are next eligible, and the date the next order will generate.

To learn more about adding a new resupply program click here

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