Data Migration

What kind of customer data can be imported ?

Written by Rachel
Updated over a week ago

Our goal is to create a delightful customer onboarding experience and make it easier and faster to begin using NikoHealth. We understand that you may be looking to migrate over data from other systems and the following are some of the data sets that can be imported.

  • Referring Providers

  • Facilities

  • Payers

  • Stock UOM

  • Product Catalog

  • Manufacturer Details

  • Vendor Details

  • Catalog Images

  • Learn Barcodes

  • Inventory Locations

  • Vendor Accounts

  • PAR Level Rules

  • Bin Rules

  • Price Options

  • Payer Rules

  • Physical Inventory

  • Patient Demographics

  • Patient Custom Fields

  • Patient Authorizations

  • Patient Notes

  • Patient/User Tasks

  • Patient Prescriptions

  • Patient Placeholder CMNs

  • Patient Documents

  • Patient Unapplied Payments

  • Patient Active Rentals

  • Accounts Receivables

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