New Order Workflow

New and improved Order Workflow

Written by Mae
Updated over a week ago

We've released a new order workflow to enable a faster, simpler and more intuitive order entry process.

You can create a new order from a patient profile or from the order queue.

To create an order from the order queue:

  • Click on the blue plus icon in the upper right hand corner and Add New Order

  • From here you will be able to search and select a patient for this order

To create a new order from a patient profile:

  • Click on the blue plus icon in the upper right hand corner and select New Order

  • You will see the order details page as below with the patient pre-selected

Service Location

This will default to the location in the patient profile however can be changed to another location for this order if needed.


You can enter any order notes for this order.

Scheduled Date

This date defaults to today.

Priority Level

By default it is set to normal and you can modify by clicking on the drop down.

Referring Provider

If this order requires a referring provider you can go ahead and start typing on the search line by name or NPI.

  1. Search for a provider from your system

  2. Select a provider from the patient order history

  3. Add a new provider that is not currently available in your system

If the provider has multiple office locations, click on the drop down arrow next to the provider name and select the office location needed.

Once a provider is selected any information associated with that provide will populate (example below).

Delivery Type

In this section you can indicate the destination of where this order will be delivered.

  • Home Delivery

    • When selecting this, the recipient name will default to the patient name and to the patient delivery address. You can edit the delivery address for this order as needed.

  • In-store pickup

    • The address will default to the Service Location chosen selected on this order. If you need to change the location for the order simply update the Service Location.

  • Hospital Discharge

    • You can select a hospital by searching in the hospital field.

  • Facility

    • If there is a facility associated with this patient, when selected the address will populate.

If you are ready to Add Items to this order on this step ;

  • A new prescription will be created for the order or you can add items to an existing prescription available.

If a referring provider was not selected on the previous step the prescription section will not appear here.

If you intend to log a new prescription for this order you can go ahead and begin adding items. To do this simply click "Add Item". This will bring you to the catalog where you can search for products by;

  • Catalog Filter

    • Use the filter on the left to find a specific product from the catalog

  • Favorites

    • Click on favorites and view items that you may routinely work with

      • You can click on the yellow star to add or remove to your favorites view

  • History

    • Click on history to select an item from the patient order history

When adding an item you can;

  • Simply enter the desired quantity (QTY) and click Add

  • Select the unit of measure to be dispensed (UOM)

  • Reserve a product qty from your inventory

  • Backorder an out of stock item to generate a purchase order

Once you have selected all of your items, choose continue to proceed.

On this step you can log the prescription details including length of need (LON) and Diagnosis. You can enter it on top and apply to all items in the cart or enter it on an item level.

If you selected an existing prescription, you will choose the existing prescription option and that will bring you to the screen below where you will select the prescription you want to use.

When selecting USE Rx the system will filter the items from your catalog which you can then add to this order as needed. Any additional items added will update this existing prescription on file. The LON and DX will auto-populate from the prescription selected and can be edited.

Review and Confirm


The system will populate any system validation tags related to this order or you can add tags as needed.


Here you can attach a document that is available for this patient in the system or choose to upload a new document from your computer to this order via drag and drop or the browse file functionality. Uploading a new document to the order directly will also add that document into the patient's document tab under their profile.


You now have the ability to create and assign a task directly from the order creation process making it a smooth and easy transition in the workflow.

If you are all set click Save to add this order into the workflow queue.

If you have the option to send a confirmation fax or DWO turned on in your system you will receive the pop up prompt at this time before being directed back to the order details page of the order you just created!

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