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Change Your Password
Change Your Password
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


To create a new password for your account while already logged into NikoHealth, you can follow the instructions below.

If you are having trouble logging into NikoHealth because you can’t remember your password see the article Reset a Forgotten Password.

Change Your Password

Click your profile icon in the top right of NikoHealth. In the dropdown select Manage profile.

To the right, you will see the Change password section. Keep in mind new passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • 8 or more characters

  • One digit (0-9)

  • One lowercase letter (a-z)

  • One uppercase letter (A-Z)

  • One nonalphanumeric character

Enter the password you want to use into the New password field. Click outside the field to see if your password meets all the criteria.

If you do not meet the criteria, you will see a warning below.

Enter the same password into the Repeat new password field. When you’re done, click Save to update your password. The next time you log in, use your new password.

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