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Reset a Forgotten Password
Reset a Forgotten Password
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


Do you need help logging in? If you forgot your password, there’s an easy fix. This article will walk you through resetting your password with NikoHealth.

If you are already logged in and want to change your password, see our article Change Your Password for the steps!

Reset Password

Click Forgot Your Password on the NikoHealth Sign-In page.

Enter the email used for your NikoHealth account in the Email field. Click Submit.

Check your email account.

You should receive an email from with the subject Reset Password in a few minutes.

If you do not see the email, check your spam folder.

Open the email and click the Reset Password button.

If the button does not work, copy and paste the URL in the email into your browser.

The link will bring you to a password reset page. Enter your email as well as the new password you would like to use. Reenter the password into the Repeat password field.

Keep in mind new passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • 8 or more characters

  • One digit (0-9)

  • One lowercase letter (a-z)

  • One uppercase letter(A-Z)

  • One nonalphanumeric character

Click Submit.

Your password has now been reset! Hit the click here to log in link to go back to sign in. Use your new password to log in.

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