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Referring Provider Signatures for Forms
Referring Provider Signatures for Forms
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


When working with forms, you may want to have referring provider signatures automatically fill in the applicable spaces.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to upload a referring provider signature to NikoHealth.

Upload a Referring Provider Signature

Click Management in the top menu.

In the left menu, click Organization and select Referring Providers in the submenu.

Use the search to find the desired physician and click on their name.

Look for the Signature Image section. Click Upload Picture. Select the appropriate signature image from your device.

To remove a signature, click the trashcan icon in the top right of the section.

The signature will now autofill for any form field mapped to the ReferredPhysicianSignature value. For more information on mapping form fields, see the article Create a Form Template.

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