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Understanding Locations
Understanding Locations
Kate G avatar
Written by Kate G
Updated over a week ago


You can set up multiple locations in NikoHealth for your company, each location can be used for different features to help you track where your customers use your services or receive their items from. In this article, we’ll break down the different location options.

The same location can be an inventory location, service center, and service location. That means you would add the same physical address as an inventory location, service center, and service location in the system.

Inventory Locations

An inventory location is any place where you store items that can be sold to customers. This can be a warehouse or a store where customers can walk in and buy things off the shelf. For more information see the articles:

  • Add an Inventory Location

  • Manage Inventory Locations

Service Centers

A service center is a place where you can schedule appointments. These locations need to be available if you plan to schedule appointments to a physical location using the calendar and scheduling functionality. For more information see the articles:

  • Add a Service Center

  • Manage Service Centers

Service Location

A service location is where a patient can receive service from your company. You can assign service locations to patients, orders, and invoices in NikoHealth.For more information see the articles:

  • Add a Service Location

  • Manage Service Locations

Learn More

Now that you know how to create and manage locations for your company, you can dive into using them! Checkout the articles below to learn more about using locations:

  • Patient Demographics

  • Add a New Appointment

  • User Schedules

  • Inventory

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